
Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering: Volume 3A: Chemical and Biochemical Reactors and Reaction Engineering, Fourth Edition, covers reactor design, flow modelling, gas-liquid and gas-solid reactions and reactors.


Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering


Volume 3A: Chemical and Biochemical Reactors and Reaction Engineering

Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering: Volume 3A: Chemical and Biochemical Reactors and Reaction Engineering, Fourth Edition, covers reactor design, flow modelling, gas-liquid and gas-solid reactions and reactors.Captures content converted from textbooks into fully revised reference material

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Author(s): Ravi, R.

Publisher: Elsevier Science

Pub. Date: 2017

pages: 598

Language: lang_en

ISBN: 978-0-08-101096-9

eISBN: 978-0-08-101223-9

Edition: 4

Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering: Volume 3A: Chemical and Biochemical Reactors and Reaction Engineering, Fourth Edition, covers reactor design, flow modelling, gas-liquid and gas-solid reactions and reactors.Captures content converted from textbooks into fully revised reference material

Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering: Volume 3A: Chemical and Biochemical Reactors and Reaction Engineering, Fourth Edition, covers reactor design, flow modelling, gas-liquid and gas-solid reactions and reactors.

  • Captures content converted from textbooks into fully revised reference material
  • Includes content ranging from foundational through technical
  • Features emerging applications, numerical methods and computational tools

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